Consorzio La Bella della Daunia D.O.P.
The “Bella di Cerignola” table olive variety has obtained the prestigious Community recognition as
“La Bella della Daunia Protected Designation of Origin”.
European registration with EC Regulation n. 1904/00 of 07/09/2000 (published in the OJ L 228 of 08/09/2000).
National recognition with Provision of 10/10/2000 (published in GURI n.250 of 25/10/2000).
Proposal to amend the DOP production specification specified with a press release dated 23/04/2007 (published in GURI no. 94 of 23/04/2007).
Transitional Protection granted at national level to the proposed modification of the specification with the Decree of the MiPAF of 24/07/2007 (published in GURI n. 179 of 03/08/2007).
Approval of amendments to the specification with EC Regulation no. 1067/2009 of 06.11.2009 (published in the OJ L 291/20 of 07/11/2009).
Approval of the proposed modification of the Production Regulations with Provision of the MiPAAF of 11.11.2009 (published in GURI n. 274 of 24/11/2009).
Establishment of the Consortium for the Protection of Canteen Olives PDO La Bella della Daunia - Cultivar Bella di Cerignola on 03/10/2002, pursuant to art. 2602 of the Civil Code and law no. 526 of 21 December 1999 and subsequent amendments and additions.
Recognition of the Consortium for the Protection of Oliva da Cante PDO "La Bella della Daunia - Cultivar Bella di Cerignola" to perform the functions referred to in art. 14, paragraph 15, of the law 21/12/1999, n. 526, with the MiPAF Decree of 09/06/2004 (published in GURI n. 140 of 17/06/2004).
Confirmation of the assignment to the Protection Consortium with Decree of the MiPAF of 11/06/2007 (published in GURI n. 151 of 02/07/2007).
Confirmation of the assignment to the Protection Consortium with the MiPAAF Decree of 11/06/2010 (published in GURI 146 of 14/07/2010).
Confirmation of the assignment to the Protection Consortium with the MiPAAF Decree of 14/06/2013 (published in GURI n. 160 of 10/07/2013).
Confirmation of the assignment to the Protection Consortium with the MiPAAF Decree of 14/07/2016 (published in GURI n. 188 of 12/08/2016).
Confirmation of the assignment to the Protection Consortium with the MiPAAF Decree of 14/10/2019 (published in GURI n. 256 of 31/10/2019).
Confirmation of the assignment to the Protection Consortium with the MASAF Decree of 08/02/2023 (published in GURI n. 45 of 21/02/2023).
Decree of the MiPAF of 06/07/2001 (published in GURI n. 179 of 03/08/2001) with which it was granted, to the control body "Agroqualità - Society for the certification of quality in agri-food a rl" , the authorization to carry out checks on the name.
Decree of the MiPAF of 07/07/2004 (published in GURI n. 171 of 23/07/2004) with which the authorization to the control body “Agroqualità” was extended.
MiPAF decree of 19/10/2004 (published in GURI n. 258 of 03/11/2004) and decree of MiPAF of 20/01/2005 (published in GURI n. 26 of 02/02/2005) we proceeded a systematic postponement of the extension period relating to the authorization issued to the inspection body.
MiPAF decree of 08/06/2005 (published in GURI n. 142 of 21/06/2005) with which the authorization to the control body was then renewed.
Decree of the MiPAF of 08/08/2007 (published in GURI n. 195 of 23/08/2007) with which the authorization was granted to the control body, to carry out checks on the transitional protection granted at national level to modification of the product specification of the 'La Bella della Daunia' PDO.
Decree of the MiPAAF of 26/05/2008 (published in GURI n. 142 of 19/06/2008) with which the authorization issued to the body called «Agroqualita '- Society for the certification of quality was extended nell'agroalimentare Spa "to carry out checks on the protected designation of origin" La Bella della Daunia ".
Decree of the MiPAAF of 03/06/2009 (published in the GURI General Series n. 158 of 10/07/2009 - Suppl- Ordinario n. 106) with which the authorization was granted to the body called "Agroqualita 'Spa" to carry out checks on the protected designation of origin "La Bella della Daunia", registered within the European Union pursuant to Regulation (EEC) no. 2081/92 as replaced by reg. (EC) no. 510/06.
Decree of the MiPAAF of 29/05/2012 (published in GURI n. 135 of 12/06/2012) with which the authorization issued to the body called "Agroqualità Spa" to carry out checks on the protected designation of origin was extended "La Bella della Daunia".